Partnering with SpotHero

Generate Revenue for Municipal Parking

Maximize revenue from available parking and better optimize parking space inventory. Partner with SpotHero to access our industry-leading user base of online customers. Leverage Spothero’s seamless parking solutions to create a world-class experience for your residents and visitors.

Capture More Demand and Revenue

Listing your parking location(s) on our platform connects you with a new demographic of online drivers searching for hourly, event, or airport parking. We actively generate demand through consumer-driven marketing campaigns, such as SEM/SEO, email, SMS, and social media. Our integration partnerships with Apple Maps and Google Maps expand the bookable parking options available to consumers, significantly boosting your facility's visibility.

Seamlessly Manage Operations

With the rising demand of being on our platform, you'll generate incremental revenue. To seamlessly manage your operations and track revenue, the SpotHero Control Panel provides an online management portal that allows you to track reservations and revenue, adjust inventory, update availability, and edit rates in real-time. This tool also includes advanced pricing features for rate recommendations so you can make informed decisions.

Reduce Traffic Congestion and Pollution

SpotHero guides its customers to their reserved parking spots through Google Maps, Apple Maps, or Waze, thereby reducing traffic and air pollution by eliminating the need for them to search for parking by driving around the block. This also reduces wear and tear on the city's infrastructure. SpotHero also offers a secure drive-up parking product with a high rate of return due to its seamless payment flow.

75M+Cars Parked

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